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Singh Lab


The Singh Lab investigates the gene expression and therapeutic vulnerabilities in cancer through the lens of the ribosome in KRAS and MYC-driven malignancies.

The Problem

Activation of mRNA translation is a common feature of the cancer cell. However, it is not clear to what extent increased mRNA translation contributes to cancer progression, shaping the tumor micro environment and immune response. Through the lens of ribosomes, we explore the mechanistic underpinnings of translation reprogramming in the MYC and KRAS-driven cancer model, the tumor micro environment, and immune response to cancer. We aim to understand the i) translation reprogramming during pancreatic cancer development, ii) contribution of KRAS activation on translation reprogramming in cancer and micro environment, and iii) role of aberrant and non conventional translation products in shaping the immune response and cancer growth.

The Approach

Using the bulk and single-cell ribosome foot printing in conjunction with bulk and single cell RNA-seq approach we study i) the mechanism of mRNA translation, ii) the role of regulatory RNA elements, and iii) the function of aberrant translation products in cancer progression, tumor micro environment, and immune response.

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